In part_2 we trained our simple model and saved it in saved_model folder.
In this quick tutorial we will learn how to load a saved model and make classifications with it. We will use the loaded model to classify the test set again
just to make sure that it is working well, but of course you can classify any new image given that it is in the correct format which is [num_images, 32,32,3] so in case of a single image it will be
Load and reformat the test set
If you have read the last part this will seem familiar.
Now the data is loaded and formatted in the correct shape to be fed forward.
Feed forward
In this section we will load the model and make classifications with it.
All we did in the above code is to load the model, get the tensors we will be feeding or retrieving by name, and going through the test set in batches and making the classifications.
And this concludes this tutorial. In the upcoming ones things will start to get interesting with us trying to enhance the accuracy or training time by using data augmentation, dropblock, res nets, depth-wise convolution, and other cool ideas.
If you want to check the full state of the project until now click here to go the repository.
See you in part 4.